Dunfermline Athletic FC
League Tables
The Noughties (00/01 onwards)
2000/2001 2001/2002 2002/2003 2003/2004 2004-2005
The Nineties (90/91 to 99/00)
1990/1991 1991/1992 1992/1993 1993/1994 1994/1995
1995/1996 1996/1997 1997/1998 1998/1999 1999/2000
The Eighties (80/81 to 89/90)
1980/1981 1981/1982 1982/1983 1983/1984 1984/1985
1985/1986 1986/1987 1987/1988 1988/1989 1989/1990
The Seventies (70/71 to 79/80)
1970/1971 1971/1972 1972/1973 1973/1974 1974/1975
1975/1976 1976/1977 1977/1978 1978/1979 1979/1980
The Sixties (60/61 to 69/70)
1960/1961 1961/1962 1962/1963 1963/1964 1964/1965
1965/1966 1966/1967 1967/1968 1968/1969 1969/1970
The Fifties (50/51 to 59/60)
1950/1951 1951/1952 1952/1953 1953/1954 1954/1955
1955/1956 1956/1957 1957/1958 1958/1959 1959/1960
The Forties (45/46 to 49/50) (Note: Scottish League suspended 40/41 to 44/45)
1945/1946 1946/1947 1947/1948 1948/1949 1949/1950
The War Years (39/40 to 45/46) (Non League Tables)
1939/1940 1941/1942 1942/1943 1943/1944 1944/1945
The Thirties (30/31 to 39/40)
1930/1931 1931/1932 1932/1933 1933/1934 1934/1935
1935/1936 1936/1937 1937/1938 1938/1939 1939/1940
The Twenties & Before (12/13 to 29/30)
1912/1913 1913/1914 1914/1915 1915/1916 1916/1917
1917/1918 1920/1921 1921/1922 1922/1923 1923/1924
1924/1925 1925/1926 1926/1927 1927/1928 1928/1929